About the Artist

Though I had formal training under several art teachers, most of my education came from other more advanced artists that made their living doing some type of creative work.

This helped me evolve and discover new and exciting techniques, plus expand my visual ability to take reality and derive new ideas for art projects.

Logging 27+ years working in front of the public. The experience of one-on-one with the customer can grow on you.

An artist can gain first hand feedback from those interactions, and form a connection that is only possible in a personal setting such as this.

Many of those years were spent on the road working festivals and shows. I travel less these days, while spending more time in the studio and enjoying nature with a camera.

There are several mediums that have captured my attention over the years, and that I have spent the most time with:

* Airbrush: A good tool for speed. If you want to get a large area covered quickly, then this does the job. It has some limitations like any tool, but for laying down lots of line and color, you can't beat it.

* Pen and Ink: I don't know. For me, there's something about drawing with dip pens that captures feelings that may have been there even before I was old enough to draw a stick figure. The bold directness, and the challenge of having only one shot to get it right, is fascinating to me.

* Pencil: This tool is very close to my basic need to 'just draw something.'

* Watercolor: there's so many ways to use it, and so many colors. I will sometimes do pen work and put a watercolor wash over it.

One thing I like about using them is that the preparation process is minimal. You can open the box, dip a wet brush, and swipe the paper with color in only a few seconds.

There's much more I could say about each of these mediums, but I'll save that for another part of the blog.


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