Sunday, May 12, 2024

Behind Simply Black


Simply Black, Available

This and other ink drawings are now in the Gallery. The Simply Black series is something I've been working on for more than a year. It was not without second thoughts if I should upload these or not.

Why? It seems most people like colorful art. That goes for detail too. These ink sketches have neither !

But, who is going to make simple stuff like this for those who want 'less' busy art for their walls?

Most of these drawings are 5x7 inches and look good in black frames. I hung a few in my studio to see if I could stand to look at them for more than a few days. Turns out, I do like this art style.

There are big plans for the future with the series. I want to make some with background effects, and even some with sorted color schemes. After all, there should be versions for people that think these things are too simple for their taste. Also, maybe there could be some that are larger sizes, as in 8x10 or 9x12. If you, the reader, like any of these ideas, please let me know in the contact dialog. What I do with art is not only for myself, but for you as well.

I used the phrase "not only for myself" above. That's because some folks believe all art should be only what artists want to do in order to connect to their true-self. "If you are making art for you, then your viewers will love it more because it's from your authentic self."

It's hard not to agree with that. Yet, I'm tempered in an unusual way. My past career of 27+ years was based around making on-demand items of art for point-of-sale customers.  That was so entrenched in my brain that I've never been able to completely shift gears away from it.

I was immersed in my work. It was what I was all about. There were other interests too, but when I was working or preparing for it, my mind was all in. 

However, when it's time to sit at the drawing table now - the conflicted intent crops up every time. It is a balancing act to stay centered and draw what I like while trying to capture it in ways that the viewer/buyer would see as something you want to take home and be happy with.

This little chop above is to invite you into my mind and the mental processes an artist may go through during their efforts while creating. You may only see the art and form a conscious or subconscious opinion. Behind the art is a person (excluding AI stuff  we are seeing now), and this person may not want to dampen their image with personal problems and the like.

But... who are you buying art from?  We as artists don't have to tell our whole life story, but it has been proven to me in my years of work that the customer is indeed interested in you, up to a point. They know art isn't magic. But beyond that, what made you want to be an artist? How do you feel about your work? Where do you come up with ideas and so on?

If you like knowing how an artist (this artist) thinks > please subscribe to this blog to keep up with my work. Also, pick up on the motivations and techniques I use to make art and learn how I avoid doing what I'm supposed to be doing according to my own design. :-)

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