Lost Rabbit

(Lost Rabbit) A 5x7 sketch of a little bunny that was tossed into a storm drain by a rotten kid. Lucky for him, a nice fairy happened along to take him to a better home. I have been working with a lot of different ideas lately. Almost all in black ink. It has been hard for me to choose one idea to go with. But now I feel better about my work. I fell into a trap of thinking too much. That caused me to make my concepts over complicated. So, I'm stepping back from that, and grabbing pencils again to work out themes before jumping so fast into the ink. I got a batch of new fiber-tip pens. They are Staedtler Pigment Liners. A big set. But after using them for a while, I no longer like that brand. They stay wet too long... easy to smear. So the search is back on for a better pen... *Update; I now like ( uni PIN, and Deleter Neopiko ). These pens do well for me. :-) Thanks for stopping by this page.